For the next two years, this office tower will be transformed into a temporary cultural playground for artists and performers.
Bodies in Space creates an environment focused on experimentation, creation, and presentation, with an emphasis on multidisciplinary collaboration.
Bodies in Space features
residency studios, shared and private ateliers and event and presentation spaces
- as an answer to the lack of space for artists, performers and dancers in Brussels.
A building in movement.
During the day and during the night.
Bodies in Space.
It’s where the physical and the ethereal meet—a place where bodies traverse different planes, floors, and galaxies.
Here, space is shared and given freely, creating room for new voices and performances to rise, inviting artists to move within, and beyond, the boundaries of what’s known.
Bodies in Space is not just a venue, but an orbit of creativity, where the dance of the individual blends with the collective, where everyone finds a place to move, be seen, and dream.
Bodies in Space offers space for artists in Brussels:
Zelliksesteenweg 65
1082 Sint-Agatha Berchem
Bodies in Space is an initiative by Miauw vzw
We create temporary cultural playgrounds for artists and performers. You may know us from previous projects Mercerie and Catclub.
Drop us a line at