During two years, this stunner of an office tower will be transformed into a bustling hotbed for arts, culture and creativity. In movement. Always. Bodies in Space.

About  Bodies in Space

Zelliksesteenweg 65
/ Chaussée de Zellik 65
1082  Sint-Agatha-Berchem
Opening Hours

open floor — open floor —  open floor — open floor — open floor — open floor — open floor — open floor — open floor — 

Open floor

( ... m²)

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Three dedicated floors in our building are yearning for performers, dancers and makers who need a wide open space in their artistic process & lives. 

presentation space — presentation space — presentation space — presentation space — presentation space —presentation space —  

(... m²)

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Aenean suscipit felis vel luctus iaculis. Etiam finibus maximus posuere. Suspendisse facilisis euismod augue ut ultricies.

atelier —  atelier  —  atelier  — atelier  — atelier  — atelier  — atelier  — atelier  — atelier  —  atelier — atelier — atelier — atelier — 
Atelier - regular

(13-15 m²)

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It's not about the size of the boat but the view from the office - or something like that. Our smallest rooms, but thanks to the big windows, even these feel super spacious.

Atelier - big

(21 m²)

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The perfect middle ground for everyone who's looking for a big office but who - at the same time - is afraid of hearing the echoes of their own voices clattering off the walls.

Atelier -  xl

(28-32 m²)

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We can only assume what types of business-y decisions were made here, back in the dreary office days of this building. But we really can't wait to welcome teams or creatives who are open to share their space in here. 

event space —  event  space —  event  space —  event  space —  event  space — event space — event  space —  event space —
Multi-purpose event space

(28-32 m²)

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Aenean suscipit felis vel luctus iaculis. Etiam finibus maximus posuere. Suspendisse facilisis euismod augue ut ultricies.

Bodies in Space is an initiative by Miauw vzw - you may know them from Mercerie and Cat Club